Horses for Healing and Resiliency Program

We are pleased to announce that The Pony Express Equine Assisted Skills for Youth will be offering Horses for Healing and Resiliency Program pending funding approval. The focus of this program is to create a safe place for youth ages 12- 18 years of age dealing with the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, to work with horses and receive their therapeutic benefits. We currently offer this program to our clients at Muir Wood Teen Treatment Center and Aurora Santa Rosa Hospital. We hope to have the opportunity to bring the benefits of this program home to The Pony Express Ranch soon.

The power of our horsepower helps humans to learn how to perform at their personal best, even in the worst of times. In the horse’s relational behaviors, we see what is commonly referred to as “mirroring.” Mirroring behavior is a clear demonstration of the horse’s ability to read and respond “in kind” to the energetic field they are perceiving. As prey animals, with limited verbal language, the ability to mirror serves to keep the herd united and contributes to the safety of all. By engaging in mindful interactions with horses, we awaken and develop these skills in ourselves. Horses give instant and authentic feedback that inspires change and encourages transformational growth to occur. Our Program is designed to give participants the opportunity to engage in a healing space with horses to experience peace, practice self-reflection, and develop resiliency.

Horses for Healing and Resiliency Program offers participants opportunities in these areas and more:

– Access Awareness and the Art of Being Present
– Build Connection
– Create & Hold a Safe space for Healing to Occur
– Cultivate Relationships with Self and Others Through Authentic and Congruent Behaviors
– Demonstrate Consistent Leadership Behavior
– Develop Trust and Resiliency
– Embody Compassion, Curiosity, and the Ability to Listen and Understand
– Experience Knowing through Intuition
– Facilitate Change by Doing Something Different
– Hold the Intention of the Exploration Process
– Improve Communication
– Practice Mindfulness and Peaceful Non-Judgement
– Regulate Energy and Emotion

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