The Pony Express Adventures with Equines Program

Howarth Park pony corral closure opens new opportunity at The Pony Express Ranch!

For the last 39 years our summer season has been filled to the brim with all things Howarth Park. This summer will be different. Due to the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 restrictions we regret to say that The Pony Express pony corral at Howarth Park will be closed. But as the saying goes, when one corral gate closes, another one opens.

We are pleased to announce that The Pony Express will be offering Adventures with Equine’s Program beginning June 8th. Experience hands on learning and leadership skills in the healing atmosphere of horses, combined with the beautiful outdoor space of The Pony Express Ranch. Our Program is designed to give horse lovers ages 10-18 years of age an experiential equine experience of a lifetime.

Partnering with horses offers unique opportunities to build awareness, create connection, and develop trust and relationship in a safe place without judgement. Providing us with a mirror into our energy and emotion, horses give instant and authentic feedback that inspires change and encourages transformational growth to occur.

Horses ask that we get out of our heads, into our bodies, and off our technology. Only then can we be present, focused, and engaged while grounded in our heart and horse space. In the process, horses give us a leg up and onto the path to becoming the best version of ourselves possible. Space is limited so sign up now for Adventures with Equine’s and turn this into a summer to remember. For more information email Linda at Thank you!

In order to make the most of one’s unique gifts-talents, characteristics, and abilities- an individual needs to learn from the past, value and live in the present, and create their own vision and future to ultimately “leave a hoof print.” Horses help us to identify on all these levels.

Adventures with Equines offers participants opportunities in these areas and more:
Access our Emotional Intelligence
Build Awareness
Create Our Vision
Cultivate Connection
Develop Trust & Respect
Encourage Curiosity and Facilitate Change
Improve Communication
Grow Confidence and Promote Self-Esteem
Demonstrate Integrity

Daily Activities
Morning Meditation
Meet the Herd
Mindful Grooming
Boundaries without Barriers
Reading the Energetic Field
Rock Back and Sigh
Moving with Energy
Regulating Our Emotions
Energy in Motion
Roles we Play- Understanding the Hierarchy of the Horse & Human Herd

Daily Schedule
9:00 AM Participants Arrive
9:15 – 9:45 Check In Review of the days activities as well as reflection on the day prior
9:45- 10:15- Morning Meditation- In the Field with Horses
10:15-10:45- Mindful Grooming
10:45- 11:15- Exercises in the Round Pen- Boundaries, Taking Space, Energy Awareness
11:15-12:00- Exercises in the Arena-
12:00- 1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Learning to Saddle & Bridle
2:00-4:00 Riding in the Arena, Lunge line for beginners, walk, trot, canter
4:00-5:00 Feeding horses and debrief, reflection of day’s events…

Adventures with Equines Program will be Monday -Friday beginning the week of June 8th and running through the week of August 4th. The hours will be 9:00-5:00 @ $500.00 each week. Payment is cash or check made payable to The Pony Express Equine Assisted Skills for Youth. Participants will need to pack a lunch. Snacks, Drinks, helmets, and hand sanitizer will be provided.
Participants will need to wear close toes shoes (preferably riding boots) and comfortable riding pants.
We will honor social distancing requirements. Masks are not mandatory. No dogs allowed. No cell phones permitted during camp hours.

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