Counting Our Blessings for You!
Dear Friends of The Pony Express,
Giving Tuesday is a day where everyone, everywhere can do something to support the good causes and communities that mean so much to them. Making it count in ways that celebrate and encourages giving in all its forms. It is a day that encourages people to give back in any way they can. It is a day that speaks to the heart and soul of the countless ways The Pony Express has been connecting humans with horses to make for a better humanity since 1982. It is a day that we count our blessings for you!
Albert Einstein once said, ” Everything that can be counted does not always count; and everything that counts can’t always be counted.”

Making It Count
Dear Friends of The Pony Express,
I met “Jessie” when he was 12. He was introduced to me by his grandma. She was at her wit’s end. Jessie’s dad was in prison, his mom addicted to drugs, leaving Jessie in the care of his caring, but clearly overwhelmed grandmother. “Can he please join your program?” she asked.
Jessie was not well received by all. He was a big kid with an even bigger in-your-face energy that often left him on the outs with others. Like many of the kids we work with, Jessie struggled with emotional regulation, and setting and respecting boundaries. At first glance, Jessie appeared to be an extrovert with a lot of extra. Yet, I noticed he had gravitated toward a horse in our rescue that appeared to be his polar opposite; Peanut: a sensitive quarter horse mare who was very much an introvert. Jessie wore his emotions like a shield on the outside; and it succeeded in keeping others at a distance…
Meet Linda Aldrich
From CanvasRebel’s recent interview with The Pony Express’ founder, Linda Aldrich.
We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Linda Aldrich a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Linda, thanks for joining us today. So let’s jump to your mission – what’s the backstory behind how you developed the mission that drives your brand?
I was a kid that fell between the cracks. Even though I had lovely parents, I struggled to fit it in at school, at home, and in life. I ended up with an eating disorder at a very young age long before we had a label for it. At the time, I did not have a therapist, but I did have a horse. She saved my life and from that point on, horses and my love for them has guided me every step of my way. In high school, my favorite teacher told me I went to school to eat my lunch. He was right, but he also saw my love for horses. We had an equine program at our local junior college, Santa Rosa Junior College.

Making It Count
Dear Friends of The Pony Express,
Giving Tuesday is a day where everyone, everywhere can do something to support the good causes and communities that mean so much to them. Making it count in ways that count on a day that celebrates and encourages giving in all its forms. It is a day that encourages people to give back in any way they can; and it is a day that speaks to the heart and soul of the countless ways The Pony Express has been connecting humans with horses to make for a better humanity since 1982.
Albert Einstein once said, ” Everything that can be counted does not always count; and everything that counts can’t always be counted.”
In the Field with Horses
Dear Friends of The Pony Express,
In the field with horses. If you need a reason to go, here’s a good one. A wise man once said, “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” Horses in the field are living in the present, the right now. It’s where they do their best work.
It’s Monday morning at The Pony Express Ranch. “Annie,” a freshman at a local high school, is wondering how this Equine Experience is going to help with her overwhelming feelings of anxiety. She doesn’t like horses. They’re big, they’re scary, and they scare her. To make matters worse there is no technology here, only the invitation to do something different…

Horses change kids. Kids change the world.
Where Are The Ponies?

Best Christmas Present Ever!
In The Blink of an Eye Forty Years Goes By!

In the Heat of a Fire, a Year Goes By
Back At Last!
We are back at last and so grateful to so many for helping our herd come home. It was a moment in time I will never forgot. As the procession of trucks and trailers filled with our beloved herd members eased onto our old driveway at 6413 Sonoma Highway, the culmination of months of hard work combined with the tireless efforts of a team from the town we call home, brought us home. As they say, the heart wants what it wants and many, myself included willed this day to fruition. We are humbled with gratitude to be back to the place we call home, minus the home. This too, shall come with time but first there is much to do.

Second Chances
When I first founded The Pony Express, I was in dire need of a second chance. Recently divorced with two young children I yearned to find a way to follow my passion that was horses. On a wish and a horse whisper The Pony Express was born. Just like that I had a second chance that came with four legs and a tail and traveled in a herd straight to my heart. Little did I know they would become my greatest teachers and for the first time in my life, I felt I could not fail. The lessons I learned were so profound I needed to share, and so I did.
Up In Smoke
I remember the night the Tubbs Fire started. The hallowing winds and the banging of my neighbor on my bedroom window yelling fire, get out. I remember running outside only to see two flaming red fireballs riding high on both sides of the ridge behind our ranch. The events that followed were horrific and devastating. Our ranch was spared but many others would find themselves with no home to go home to. It was heartbreaking to see and harder to hear the stories of so many homes gone with only a fireplace and foundation amid the ash filled rubble. Little did I know that one day, someday that would be me coming home to my house now gone, up in smoke.

Messages From the Herd
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